Friday, August 21, 2009

Updates to Adobe Presenter v7 available

Adobe has just released an update (7.0.5) for Adobe Presenter 7 which will help with PowerPoint conversion, audio editing, accessibility and some other fixes.

For more information about the update and fixes, go here.

Action Required for Adobe Presenter v7 users:
You can download the latest update here or you can update via the Help button on the Adobe Presenter tab in PowerPoint 2007.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Sun Java Updates Offer Unneeded 3rd Party Software

Java Platform, Standard Edition or Java SE, is used by your computer to run certain web based applications. These may include web based training applications.

If you see the Java Update icon or "Java Update Available" balloon in the lower right corner of the screen, the latest version of Java is ready to install. You can click the icon and follow its prompts to apply the update.

Note: We have always recommended that you do not install any offered "extras" like the MSN Toolbar, Installer or Microsoft's Bing.

Recently, the Java installer may also "offer" a 30-day trial of Carbonite Inc.'s commercial backup software.

Please un-check these options if they appear. You do NOT need them as part of the Java install.

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Updates for Adobe Reader 9 and Adobe Acrobat Professional 9 Are Available

Adobe shipped a out-of-cycle security update to Adobe Reader 9 and Acrobat 9 products on July 30, 2009. This update patches a critical security vulnerability while providing more stability.

Note: To determine the version of any of the above applications, open the Adobe program. Then from the Help menu choose About Adobe, (name of program). You should see the version listed in a new box. Then, you can click anywhere on this box to close it.

The current version of Adobe Acrobat and Adobe Reader is version 9.1.3.

Note: If you have Adobe Reader version 8.x on your computer, you should remove this version and update to Adobe Reader 9.1.3. See our How To Install and Configure Adobe Reader v9 for Windows.

Action Required: Ag IT recommends that College of Ag Science faculty and staff update any Adobe products to their current version.

To apply these updates:

  1. Close all other programs and then open your version of Adobe Reader or Acrobat Professional.
  2. From the Help menu choose Check for Updates.
  3. If updates were found, they should begin to download. If not, click the Download and Install Updates button. If asked, click Install Now.
  4. The updater will prompt you to close the program before the update can be installed. Click Continue.

    Note: The Installation Progress window may be minimized to the lower right of the screen (in the notification tray). To see the Installation Progress window, right click on its white icon and choose Show Progress.

  5. When the process completes, click Quit.
  6. The Adobe Reader or or Acrobat Professional program will re-open.
  7. From the Help menu choose Check for Updates. If no updates are available, click Quit.
  8. Close Adobe Reader or or Acrobat Professional.
Note: Earlier versions of Adobe Acrobat Professional (version 8 or lower) will not be patched.

The Adobe Reader and Acrobat 9.1.3 Release Notes has additional information and links.

Sun Releases Java(TM) 6 Update 15

As of Aug 4, 2009, the current version of Sun's Java client is Java(TM) 6 Update 15.

Action Required:
If you see the Java Update icon or "Java Update Available" balloon in the lower right corner of the screen, the latest version of Java should be ready to install. You can click the icon and follow its prompts to apply the update. Note: We recommend that you do not install any offered "extras" like the MSN Toolbar, Installer or Microsoft's Bing. Please un-check these options if they appear.

Or, our How To Update Sun's Java Software,, has complete steps on how to install Java from either the "Java Update Available" message or how to download and install Java manually .

This release contains fixes for one or more security vulnerabilities. The full list of changes may be found here:

Previously, older versions of Sun Java were not removed from your computer when you updated. You had to manually remove older versions of Sun Java from your computer. This has now changed. You no longer need to remember to remove the previous Java version.